Monday, July 20, 2009

Could I just win the lottery already?

It's not for lack of trying.... and I'm SOOOOOOOOOO tired of working for a living... I could be such a good independently wealthy person!

Ok, back to the normal non-obvious-whining blog tomorrow.... just the usual subtle whining...


  1. lol...tell me about it. I know the odds are stacked way against me but that hasn't stopped my $1 a week habit in the last 3 years.

  2. Amen sister, this 'working for a living' really sucks. It's inhumane. i still play as well, come on already.

  3. Ok, Rocket - you are one of the most "Rational gamblers" I've ever known - what's your system? Do you quick pick? Or keep a set of numbers? I quick pick... not wanting to invest the intellectual energy to do the calculations!

    With work sucking the lifeblood out of everyone I know, I have to assume that lottery revenues are up...
