Thursday, January 21, 2010

Ummm, I think I'm just going to sit down for a second. And why I love my husband very much.

Fade to black. the next thing I heard was: Jenny - can you hear me, Jenny are you OK?

Yep - I suffered a Vasovagal episode yesterday - I fainted.

The great news - I was already at the doctors office.

I thought I was over my whole issue with needles many years ago - well, I guess mind over matter doesn't really work. My husband and I went in finally to get our H1N1 shots, and since I hadn't gotten my seasonal flu shot yet (ok, it was the first time I ever have), I decded to go with a two banger, one in each arm.

Honestly, I really wasn't stressed out about it. We were talking, laughing, getting our shots, then we stood up to leave and I felt that "oogie" sensation - light headed, need oxygen, need to get out of the doctors office feeling. I tried the good old swedish stubborn idea that I could think my way out of it. Got as far as the elevator bank when I saw a wheelchair and it was clear it was placed there for me to take a seat - I told my husband that he should let the elevator go...

Next thing I knew, I was coming to, there was a crowd around me of nurses, a few doctors, and my husband looking extremely worried (isn't he a sweetheart!)

There was pulse taking, eye checking, temeperature checking... then I went and "relaxed" in one of the exam rooms... and on the way I puked. Nice. By the way - they have these cooool pewking bags now.

Much better than those pink trays that you actually have to aim into. Must stock up on a few of these for home stomach flu use, better than having someone hover over a bowl - and the clean up is a snap!
So we hung out there for a while, and after about an hour, we decided my "episode" was over and I could go home. I'm proud to say I made it home to the couch without further incident!
When we got home, my husband gave me the play by play of what happened when I was out. It scared the crap out of him. Completely drained of color, eyes wide open but unconcious, labored breathing, and my body went stiff. No wonder it scared him. Could have been a seizure. He called out for help as soon as he figured out I wasn't ignoring him, and he sprang into action, taking care of me. Waited on me hand and foot, wouldn't let me leave the couch, and spent the night with a wqatchful eye over me. What a sweetheart.
So, the lesson is - if you are going to pass out like that - it's good to do it in a place with medical
professionals, handy equipment and a safe space to lie down in. And, marry someone who will call out for help when you need it.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Can you tell where I was recently?

Flap Flap Flap
go the gums of the rhetorists
The usual suspects
say the usual thing

Those who are always silent
keep on keeping their own counsel
their lips sealed
their arms crossed

Talk Talk Talk
the same old tale
meant to inspire
but to me it just tires

A special day
A special place
nothing will change
my optmisim fails

The flap flap flap
fades away in the din of the jet
as I return to the real special day
the real special place

Home again
Home again
Home again

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

I guess I was too busy cooking to post anything at all

Seriously, the last half of December was spent buying groceries, turning groceries into cookies, bars, meals, snacks and other edibles for our extended family during the holidays.

Oh, and then there was the gifting process... purchase, wrap, stash, un stash, unwrap, and then enjoy.

Bottom line is that everyone in my family left the 2009 holiday season:

  • Well fed - to the tune of going through maybe 6 dozen eggs, 4 pounds of bacon/sausage/ham , 3 gallons of milk, I don't want to count how many sticks/pounds of butter, lots of fruits and veggies, and countless bread products (bagels, english muffins, cinnamon bread, etc)... and that was just between 12/23 and 12/26!
  • Possessing new and useful items that they received as gifts (really, no loser gifts were given or received thsi year)
  • Full of good cheer - this was great holiday for our family - both immediate and extended and everything in between!
  • Capable of driving a car - My 15 year old twin boys got their drivers permits over the holiday.... one driving lesson in for each before the big snow/ice/snow storm hit... still need to get them behind the wheel for lesson #2! And I will, as soon as some of this nasty ice vanishes from our rodas - so I'm thinking maybe March?

I'll post about 2009 overall next, but I'd decalre the 2009 Holiday season at our house a Smashing Success!