Friday, September 11, 2009

If black cats bring bad luck....

Then an albino squirrel must be a harbinger of good things to come..... right?

It's Friday and I'm ready to believe any sign that could be construed as positive- I was taking an alternate route to grab coffee this AM because of thelongestfreakingconstructionprojectever known as crosstown reroute... so I was tooling around the backroads of Richfield trying to get onto Penn avenue and an albino squirrel wisely choose to not get flattened by my tire.

I take that as a good sign.

Just like making the green light that never goes my way.

Just like getting 2 bags of Peanut M&M's from the vending machine.

I have these little fits of superstition...which may suprise some of my friends that think I'm level headed and logical all the time....


  1. Peanut M7M's, the best snack ever. We used to have an albino squirrel at our place in SLP. Have a great weekend.

  2. The recessive albino squirrel gene lives on...

    Level headed? :)

  3. Sow how is this for full circle? Scott and I went to Lurcat on Friday Night... and what do I see but three pure BLACK squirrels doing squirrel type stuff.... I guess there is a small population of them in the park and has been for years... I wonder if you bred a Black aquirrel and an albino squirrel.... both recessive aleles.. what would happen? Couldn't be a greay squirrel.... maybe it would look like a black and white cow! SPOT!

  4. I'm pretty sure that's how zebras came to be.

  5. I think you are right Ben.... or holstein cows!
