Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Has anybody seen my sense of humor?

I seem to have lost it somewhere along the way....

It's April Fools day today, and I normally would have spent at least a few minutes trying to come up with some prank I could pull on the people around me... but I just can't seem to focus on the task. I could post something outlandish on Facebook, I could tell my boss I've decided to move to Detroit, I could tell my husband that we won the lottery.... but in all honesty, I just dont' think I'd get any joy out of the trick!

I desperately miss working with a team of people who, every single day, would give me an occasion to laugh out loud! As with most things, I guess if you don't use your sense of humor, you end up gradually losing it!

Anybody got any good jokes they can share with me so that I can start using it again before it's completely gone?


  1. Those were the good days and I miss them.

    A woman was at the beach with her children when her four-year-old son ran up to her, grabbed her hand, and led her to the shore, where a sea gull lay dead in the sand.

    "Mommy, what happened to him?" the son asked.
    "He died and went to heaven," the mother replied.
    Her son thought a moment and then said, "And God threw him back down?"

  2. How appropriate coming from you Rocket! Thank you for making me laugh out loud!
