So, Rocket alerted me to the fact that Jim Cramer was going to be on the Daily Show last night.... and it was a good spot.... The vid is posted below... but I still agree with Stewart in that someone who is called not just a commentator, but a reporter, has the obligation to "Check his sources", instead of believing everything that he heard from the CEO's of the companies he was recommending. Now, this is not all that different than the Great Rating Agency Debacle of 2005-2008, but I still believe in the role of the fourth estate... that someone who has a show on a news channel has an obligation to dig deeper before making statements, especially recommendations...
If you are interested in a tangential idea about the current demise of journalism .. here's another Link to an interesting Bill Moyers article from last summer.
Here's the vid if you have a few minutes to spare:
Girl Scout Cookies
3 years ago
Yeah, I agree that CNBC should do more "60 minutes" type reporting on the financial industry.