As I was easing the stone up the hill,
I let it slip.
I ran ahead,
and tried to stop it.
Alas, how could I,
It’s bigger than me.
No wonder I am injured,
Not fatally, but I ache.
It was folly to think I could stop it,
or attempt to control it.
The stone is not part of me,
It’s something else.
Something I love and cherish
Yet has a will of it’s own.
I must let it roll,
For I can not stop it.
My only choice
Is to watch it slow
And prepare
to ease it up the hill once more
Girl Scout Cookies
3 years ago
Love it:)
ReplyDeleteThank you Biz - that means a lot coming from you.... Not sure what bug has bitten me, but it seems to just flow lately....maybe the situation, maybe the weather. Promise me you'll tell me if my stuff sucks...
ReplyDeleteThat is great, did you create that?
ReplyDeleteIt reminds me of my favorite prayer, the Serenity prayer. I put quotes around 'God' of course ;o)
'God', grant me the
to accept the things
I cannot change
to change the
things I can
and the
to know the difference.