I can feel it in my bones, the longing to travel someplace different, someplace new, someplace not here.
Might be the time of year, the serious rut I'm in at work, or maybe just the day... but I really feel the need to get out of here!
One way I know I'm in serious travel/fun deficit: My work trip to Charlotte scheduled for later this week was just postponed, and I feel a little disappointed! Normally, I would have gladly taken the extra time back on my calendar, and enjoyed the fact that I get to spend more time with my family.
Instead, I reacted with more than a little sadness that I'm not getting on a plane on Thursday evening...
A good sign that I need to book a vacation soon.
Girl Scout Cookies
3 years ago
Cheryl and I have the following destionations in out travel future (once the little ones are older of course)
Europe (many more times)
Africa (a stable country, we'll see when the time comes)
Closer to home:
The Napa Valley (you've done that already)
Grand Canyon
Washington DC
and many more, I WANT TO WIN THE LOTTERY damn it so I can truely travel the world.
I hear you I just pulled the trigger on a little jaunt to Arizona I figured the mountain and some heat could do some wonders