Ups and Downs, Highs and lows, the daily changes to our life and moods that create the color in the tapestry. I for one, could never live in a beige world. I like the extreme of black and white, of purple and orange, of hot fuschia or the roses blooming right now in my garden, set against the dark green of the neighboring pine tree.
If it's true that I need bold color to thrive, it's just as true that I could never live in a dull world. I need action, movement, chaos and the unknown in my life to be happy. It's always been true, and will almost certainly be true. And no, I don't think I'm a shark... I don't have fins.
There seeems to be a fine line for me, however, when the peak of the zig and the trough of the zag are too far apart, and I travel too quickly between them, or worse, not quickly enough. In cases where it's not quick enough, I look for things to create some movement. On good days, it takes the shape of joining an organization, starting a new hobby, or organizing the laundry (wow... that last one is super lame). On bad days, it looks more like I'm seeking out trouble, picking a battle I should stay away from, or be a rabble rouser.
On days where it is going too fast, I have had to learn the symptoms: rapid pulse rate, complete disorganization of thoughts, drifiting from one task to another without ever finishing any of them. When I realize that I am moving too fast between stages. I literally stop myself. Sit down with pencil and paper and write down "stream of conciousness". Then, I read it, and understand what is most salient from the stream - and focus on that. Then I rip up the list, in case anyone ever found it - it would look like rantings of a mad woman.
Speaking of rantings of a mad woman... I sometimes use this blog to do my stream of conciousness writing when I am not stressed - thanks to all who follow the blog, and can in fact, follow the rantings....
Girl Scout Cookies
3 years ago
My zig zag graph matches my alcohol intake I think ;o)
ReplyDeleteNow that I think about it, so do mine! Naahhhh, not really! I haven't been to a happy hour in maybe, six months! Gone are the days of the "I won't be home for dinner honey" calls.... and it's probably a good thing. I just do my maintenance drinking, a glass or two of wine each night..