Yes, this is me shouting... I can not sit quietly as this issue plays out. In a recent post about dying, I talked about my experience with familiy members in their end of life experience and two friends who are going through the same thing. I had no idea that post would be relevant to a national tragedy currently upon us.
I continue to struggle with the idea that dying is shameful and being born is a joyous occasion! How is it possible that we automatically provide prenatal counseling as a matter of publich health policy, but discussing end of life counseling and treatments is now off the table. Again - ARE YOU KIDDING ME?
In the cases I posted about, the ability to meet with doctors and specialists (including hospice care workers) to understand prognosis, symptoms, palliative treatments and end of life care was critical to caring for our loved ones. I couldn't imagine not having access to that process, and while it was difficult to assemble these doctors and health care professionals, it wasn't a matter of insurance coverage, it was a matter of schedules!
Again, that would be like denying an expectant couple the ability to understand from their practioner what happens during labor and delivery. Unspeakable, right?
These astroturfers, pundits and politicians who are labeling these humane practices as "Death Panels" should be treated as criminals. They are spewing lies in a manner I have never witnessed personally, but remind me of racist protests in the south.
This move by the Wrong Wing merely uses the current health care debate as a means to spread their hateful, vile messages. Healthcare is a very convenient medium- something everyone can relate to, makes use of and has issues with. Trust me, this is the new wedge issue. It's just like their attacks against abortion rights, civil rights, gay marriage, anti-islam, gun control.. the list goes on and on. And just like all of these "Old standby" wedge issues, they synthesize their own facts, use highly emotive slogans created by evil doers in the basement of the GOP.
These slogans and screaming matches are not really about protecting anyone's access to affordable healthcare... no, these events are the opening salvo into the 2012 presidential election. Wrongt Wingers have demonstrated that they don't give a damn about the average american, the working poor, or the elderly (look at their funding priorities!).... Just like they used "Joe the plumber" to try to win the 2008 election, they are using your healthcare as a way to win 2010 congressional seats, and eventually will try to spin this into a vcitory in 2012. DO YOU THINK WE ARE THAT STUPID?
I'm here to tell you that it won't work. Just like Joe the plumber didn't work. Our nation's citizens will eventually see these tactics for what they are. We are smarter than the Wrong Wing thinks we are. We really are.
My apologies to all of my rational and reasonable conservative friends - I'm not talking about you. You know who I'm talking about... don't you?
Girl Scout Cookies
3 years ago
ReplyDeleteAre you talking about DH and