It’s been one of those months … cancer seems to be everywhere.. and it sucks. This morning, I came into the office, and first email I see is an update to CaringBridge about a friend of my best friend… she’s been battling cancer for a couple of years now, and it finally seems to be getting the best of her. A few weeks ago, a good friend called me to tell me her father has it, and wanted advice and counsel, since she worked with me when my mom died from it, she knew I could help her through the process. Just last month, I couldn’t bear to attend a funeral of a fomer co-worker’s wife – they have three little kids under 10!
Then, over lunch today, I open up CNN, and wham, MCA (Adam) from the Beastie Boys has it! Crap! One of the most vibrant people in that scene is doing battle with the big C. It’s true, cancer does not discriminate based on race, religion, socio economic status, or sexual preference… it’s an equal opportunity killer.
Out of a close circle of friends - 3 couples (including my husband and I), 5 of the 6 of us have prematurely lost a parent to this disease – 3 mothers and 2 fathers – all gone from the world well before their time.
I know, everyone dies of something, eventually. And, I know plenty of people who have (or are getting there) beaten the bastard… Terry, who had a tumor in her arm when I first met her 16 years ago, Julia’s mom, a breast cancer survivor for many years, Tonya, a former co-worker who has now had several clear scans (Yay!), and a few more… But sadly, the list of people who have succumbed to the disease is longer than those who have won the battle…
And so, I make my donation to American Cancer Society and other organizations with hope that someday, we’ll understand the mechanics of the disease better… and eventually start knocking them over like dominoes. There is no single cure for cancer… as it takes many shapes and sizes. If you have money to invest, invest in one that is doing research on cancer…. Eventually, you could make a fortune… and help save people from dying prematurely.
Girl Scout Cookies
3 years ago
a few words...
ReplyDeleteour food supply, our environment and the chemicals we ingest everday sitting in these closed office buildings and on the streets.
I fear cancer, what a horrible way to go. 1 in 3 of us will get some form of it.